Crabs in a Bucket

550750_3403013069354_826486111_nIf you have never had the pleasure of going crabbing, you should try it as soon as you can. It’s one of the most fun ways that you can get sunburned and a backache! Personally I am a fan of doing it the hard way: with a hand line and a chicken bone- probably the reason for the backache. ( there are easier methods, so don’t worry) The craziest thing about crabbing is *drum roll* the crabs! Once you get a crab in the bucket it scoots around, claws extended, already a looser but spoiling for a fight. Get two in the bucket and they will start fighting with each other. Once you get three or more, they will climb up on top of each other in what looks to be a coordinated escape plan. One crab gets to the top of the pile, ready to get out of the bucket and the other crabs will pull him down.

Isn’t this the way our dysfunctional behavior works?

We scoot around, always spoiling for a fight, fight each other and in our dysfunction pull each other down.

So I ask you, who’s in your bucket? And what crabby behavior could you change today?

He who walks with wise men shall be wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.       Proverbs 13:20


This post is excerpted from my book, The Little Engine who could Not…., available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle.


Alana is a nurse with 30+ years of experience in caregiving. She is also a copywriter, copyeditor, and creative writer who believes our words should always inspire, encourage, and delight. Visit her online at