Have you seen War Room?


My honored Guest blogger today is a friend of mine from Mississippi, Chris Martin. Chris and I are both old enough to remember when long distance was not free and chatting with friends in other states simply did not happen! But now we can call anyone, anywhere and watch entire football games! And so it was in late December we were chatting and watching a bowl game. A discussion of movie channels led to current movies and I asked Chris if he had seen the movie War Room with Priscilla Shirer. Chris had not, but was interested when I told him how inspiring the movie was and what a thrill it had been to see the local theater full to capacity for a non violent, non R rated, Christian film. In subsequent texts I kept bugging Chris that he needed to see this movie and….

I’ll let Chris take it away from here!

I was seeing a lady named Cassie who also kept telling me about this movie and she wanted me to see it. One night she was not working she brought it over for me to watch. I had heard this was a good Christian movie but I was unaware of what was in store for me spiritually speaking. As I watched this movie it kept bearing witness in my spirit. I watched it again and it really touched me deeply, in my spirit. God spoke to my heart. It was revealed to me that this movie is all about spiritual investment. God wants us all to do something no matter how large, or how small for His kingdom. I knew at that point that I needed to get people to watch this movie. Then if they would agree to watch it, pray, if they felt led to go out and buy a copy of this movie to give away. And when they give a copy away, give it with a note that the movie is not to be kept but given away again, because the more who watch it the greater the spiritual investment.

I have been doing this at my job. God has blessed me to met people from all over our country. There is now a woman in Nebraska who started sharing and giving away copies at her job as well. A local pastor I met has now included sharing the movie as part of his neighborhood outreach. A young man who had just lost his brother got a call while at my shop that a close family member had been killed, talking about the movie gave me a chance to minister and pray over this hurting man and he promised to see the movie then start sharing it as well. So from Mississippi to Nebraska and most states in between we now have people actively sharing this movie and it’s message. I want everyone to have a chance to make this spiritual investment. Share this with others and do the same thing. To God be the Glory, forevermore, Amen!

Wow! Thank you Chris, I am inspired again by your testimony! I encourage everyone reading to pick up a copy of War Room and get in on the action!


Alana is a nurse with 30+ years of experience in caregiving. She is also a copywriter, copyeditor, and creative writer who believes our words should always inspire, encourage, and delight. Visit her online at Alanakhaase.com

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Elihu

    LOVED that movie!

    We absolutely should devote ourselves to prayer regularly. I really appreciated how the movie encouraged people to write down reminders because too often our minds like to drift elsewhere.

    1. alana.haase@yahoo.com

      Amen! And that is why I journal a lot of my prayers. Plus going back and seeing how wonderfully faithful God has been increased my faith!

  2. Kristi Ann

    I haven’t seen this as of yet, maybe someday though as Lord Jesus-Yeshua Helps me!!

    God Bless All my Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus-Yeshua and Your Families and Friends!!

    Love Always and Shalom ( Peace ) Everyone, YSIC o/

    Kristi Ann

    1. alana.haase@yahoo.com

      I hope you can see it soon! Great movie! Very inspiring and clearly shows the power of prayer!

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