Rolling in the Deep… all week long

Last week, where to start…? Monday.

Monday, I thought I had reconnected and was saving a relationship that meant the world to me. The incredible high turned into the lowest as misunderstanding, miscommunication and a missed text not responded to turned into a nuclear bomb. In the fallout I went deer in the headlights and allowed fear to lead me further astray in the no man’s land of non-communication. The ultimate relationship killer…

However, this lead to one of the best conversations I’ve ever had in on the nature of fear, it’s role in the enemy of our soul’s arsenal and the destructive force of caving in to it.

The wild ride continued with a physical altercation.

I’ve tried to explain to many people that nursing can often be the ultimate contact sport… Patients who are suffering from dementia, mental deficits, pain and oh yes, FEAR, often lash out. You may see my bruised face and battered body and feel sorry for me, or think I got the worst of it, but to me the fact that I kept the patient from seriously hurting themselves and may have thought of a way to prevent further episodes like this– I’m calling it a win.

Then it was onto a major loss. My Aunt slipped the surly bonds of earth and for so many reasons, I am going to miss her. My brother loved her more than anyone and having to tell my beloved brother, during his much-needed vacation, that she was leaving broke my heart…

Next, I got to brainstorm with an old friend on an issue we are both passionate about and come together for forward progress and a gift for a friend in need. Huge win!

I was also able to attend a dinner at a fabulous place I’ve never been, and while there a huge pod of dolphins swam into the bay. Watching the adults teach two babies’ how to corral a school of bait fish and have dinner with us was an absolute delight shared by everyone there.

But I am probably the only person there who was also treated to another amazing conversation, this time on answered prayer and things God uses to speak to us.

Like dancing dolphins…

The week closed out with celebrating my “baby’s” 16th birthday. It was a day of fun, food and laughter with an underlying sadness for me… my babies are grown up. My role as a mother is changing and I’m thrilled and proud, but what I would not give to shrink them back down. Just for a day. Just for an hour spent in the rocker with a sleeping angel laying in my arms while I stare at those perfect and beautiful faces.


And yet, I’ve never been so glad for a week to be over. The highs were to high, the lows to low.
So, what does all mean? What was this even about?

You might think it was about the roller coaster of emotions, from dissolution to death, enlightenment to edification… But as I dug a little deeper, I found it was not about the emotions.

It was about the people. The relationships, the love given, taken, shared and passed on. Love never dies, love is never wasted…

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8




Alana is a nurse with 30+ years of experience in caregiving. She is also a copywriter, copyeditor, and creative writer who believes our words should always inspire, encourage, and delight. Visit her online at